(A training Course)
Course Objectives:
The course aims to develop the basic knowledge and the practical skills in marketing planning of products or services. The course introduces students /or trainees to marketing
theories and practices.
Introducing a product or a service into markets, for instance,
requires deep analysis of the market environment in search for an opportunity that fits company capabilities. The course addresses processes such as SWOT analysis, market segmentation, targeting, and positioning; demand measurement; marketing objectives and strategies setting; budgeting; designing the 4P's ; preparing the profit/loss statement of a marketing plan; monitoring and measuring a marketing plan performance. Say it differently; the course takes the participants
from A to Z in understanding the marketing perspective.
Target Group(s): graduates seeking career development into marketing, marketing representatives, salespeople, media people, middle managers, entrepreneurs of small business enterprises.
Total training hours: 36 hours
Recommended Text Book:
Gary Armstrong and Philip Kotler (2007), Marketing: An Introduction, 8th Ed., Pearson Prentice Hall, USA.
Course Scheduling
Session 1: Introduction to Marketing | a) The importance of Marketing to society b) Market Vas Marketing (definitions) c) Scope of Marketing d) The Marketing Concept: - Understanding customer needs, wants and demand - Customer value and satisfaction and building customer relationships - Other marketing concepts: production, selling, societal concepts. e) The basic content of a marketing plan (A flow chart diagram) |
Session 2: Towards developing a marketing strategy | Market Opportunity Analysis |
Session 3: Towards building skills in marketing planning | a) Segmentation: - Consumer segmentation - Industrial Segmentation (new) b) Targeting c) Positioning |
Session 4: Market research roles in strategic marketing planning | a) Market demand measurement b) Forecasting Company Demand c) Market Research roles in strategic marketing planning d) Questionnaires development |
Session 5 : Marketing Strategy and Formulating the marketing program (Marketing Mix) | a) Corporate, business, and marketing strategy b) Product (product levels, new product development, Product life cycle,) c) Pricing and methods of pricing |
Session 6: Pricing | a) Pricing process b) Methods of pricing |
Session 7: Channels of Distribution/ Promotional Mix | - Common Channels of Distribution a) For consumer products - Retailing -Wholesaling b) For Organizational Products - The Promotional Mix: - Advertising - Sales promotion (consumer's promotion/ trade promotion) - Direct Marketing / e-marketing - Public relation - Campaign Management |
Session 8 : | - Personal selling skills |
Session 9: Budgeting and Financial measurements in marketing | Budgeting: - Basic of accounting and financial aspects: fixed costs, variable costs, COGS, gross margin, net profit margin, contribution analysis and break-even analysis. - Revenue budget - Expenses budget - Profits and losses statement - Marketing Metrics |
Course Assessment
Attendants and participation 20 marks
The Participant's Marketing Plan Developed 80 marks

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